
haha Alhadulillah i dah habis my diploma without any extending semester. but biasa la kalau ada repeat one or two subject kan? hahaha nak sedap kan hati. so, nak cerita la sikit overall dari part 1 sampai lah part 6. masa part 1, haha budak budak lagi. ingat lagi bapak yang hantar pegi daftar kolej belikan tudung putih on the spot sebab taktahu kena ada orientation. habis orientation semua start la masuk class. alhamdulillah dapat jugak adapt dengan situation or a life as a student. masa tu jugak lah my so-call-stranger-friend haha WaniSalim. i rapat dengan dia sebab kitorang roommate and classmate too. Part 1 mmg aku baik sungguh la. duduk dalam kolej kan, nak keluar pun 2 3 kali nak pikir. but end up keluar jugak. hihi. Part 1 jugaklah, i kenal Zain Azrul. ha pasal ni takyah lah ye cerita banyak nau nnt bosan lak.

so yeah, ini sangat muka Part 1. haha mind our faces. so continue dgn Part 2 pulak. Part 2 takde apa sgt, cuma i tak duduk kolej dah. duduk rumah sendiri. sebab nya, penyakit malas nak angkut barang. but still, kena ulang alik from my house to campus by naik bus. nak sangat dulu naik bus, puas gila merasa okay. well, part 2 ni takde apa sangat pun, just mula la remaja baru nak merasa jadi remaja kan. i think i just need to proceed lah cerita while uploading those pictures kan? part 2 still takde lagi cabaran yang over. which is in my diploma of course not the other situations lah. this picture down here, in class BEL paling kiri is EnaRasyid. my kawan plaing best paling gila too. 

let's skip to Part 3, ha part ni dah la mula macam macam jadi nya. tapi Alhamdulillah semua nya okay. subject dia sumpah killer habis. but no that killer masa part 5. haa nnt ah cerita. so Part 3 i banyak study kat rumah kawan i. sebab nya dia gila babi pandai. tapi my dearest Wani pun otak pandai gak, but taktau asal tah tak lepak sgt dgn dia masa part 3. Part 3 i do rapat dengan my gorgeous friends. haha they named themselves macam tu. azu,  fazwa, sherry dengan pinat. dorang best masuk air gila gila, they all classmate zain. tapi pinat sorang je hoteliers(budak course hotel). banyak jugak lah kitorang buat mcm mcm. since that lah i really rapat dgn budak class b. ohh mine is class a, zain was in class b dgn fazwa azu and trip or dorg nak buat apa je they will invite me. seriously mmg fun lepak dgn dorg.

itu part of Semester 3. banyak gambar but sorry, ini je yang i rajin upload c: next is, Part 4, ini punya semester i went to intership. dekat Concorde KL. wey ini super duper fun wey. im gaining a lot of experiences dapat kawan yang sumpah cool habis. and still kitorg keep on contact lagi. Jom tengok gambar. (eh excited lak)

again, malas gila nak upload banyak banyak. tapi kalau uolls tgk pun dah tahu betapa i happy gila having my internship kat sini. eh wait, "uolls" ? wey sorry la, i tend to spell "you all" but "uolls" ni mcm gedik gila. haha. bla bla bla. habis satu semester. terus proceed to Semester 5. semester ni boleh buat orang jadi gila sawan and all. i rasa i dah post something about semester 5 ni before kan. yes. rasa dia perit yang amat. semua orang jadi tak tentu arah bla datang nya subject LAW yang aku sendiri erghh tak boleh terima akal. sampai gaduh main main lah kejap dgn one of my Chef. hehe. but then i know, i repeated that subject and pass it on supplement paper, Alhamdulillah. pastu ada pulak IBCA which is our event for student Part 5 ni la. lagi berapa mggu baru kelam kabut nak buat itu ini. haha mmg last minute punya keje but menjadi la event ni. tak la sampai org tak dtg. so let's throw some pictures.

we faces it together as a true culinarians. 

Semester 6, i pegi internship again. utk my course mmg dua kali pegi internship, ini kali i pegi hotel uitm shah alam. i rasa takyah kot cerita pasal ni. sebab staying in shah alam is the worst thing ever happen to me after the thing before. haha if u know what i mean. semester ni paling sedih bila semua gather sekali masa nak final. tapi ada la jugak kawan kitorang sangkut paper then kena extend semester. nak buat mcm mana guys, move on and keep on track kan? but really, sedih. 

ini masa kat shah alam, hehehe dorang my housemates. amani zee dgn shahida. ini pun fun. lagi bengong duduk dgn dorg. ye aaah, dorg kakak kakak, im the youngest, so i adik dorg la. haha. rindu gak and this is the sweetest moment masa duduk shah alam laa, yg practical punya cerita tu eee taknak ambik tahu. 

ini last last moment before sorang sorang gerak balik leaving penang with one great moment, ecehh. haha tapi serious la i can feel what they really feel. we put all the arguments all the sakit di hati behind and lepak for the last time and having fun. sedih nok. i'm saying "last time" tu sebab for sure lepas ni buat hal masing masing, but i dgr la, kawan yang akan kekal is kawan in university. i hope that's true. well our friendship does not end here. lots of love, great moment. i will never forget about this. 

love, liyana

sudah bergigi besi.


on 8th sept 2013, i had already started to wear braces. at the first mmg sakit rasa mcam nak kena nganga je mulut ni. about 2weeks mcm tu baru okay. itu pun dorg ckp (my cousins yg penah pakai braces before) should be the bubur in my only meal. i tried to take bubur like 2 days straight. hahaha naik muak. so i main bantai je makan apa pun tapi lembut laaa.

nak adapt diri lagi dgn braces ni agak la payah. sebab kita akan rasa something dalam mulut kita on the teeth and try nak keluar kan but then you realize it it stick on your teeth. every morning je mesti rasa pelik habis. but ini for the first time braces wear-er. hah apa benda la wear-er tu kan? i was actually nak ckp utk pemakai gigi besi. hihi.

so guys nak tahu apa benefits yang boleh didapati when u you guys wearing braces? haa first, of course gigi nampak lagi sekata (yeah for those gigi tak sekata la) tapi for those yg pakai braces utk menutupi kejonggangan anda tu..emm takyah kot. sebab membazir gila.  second benefit yg you guys boleh dpt is when you tak boleh makan automatically la korang boleh kurus secara mendadak. tapi tgk jugak lah cara korg boleh melantak apa yang korang suka hehe. macam i, i take fish mostly. so dah takde lemak and benda benda boleh buat kita gemuk. hehehe. third, muka makin lonjong uollsss. i don't know how, but ramai jugak yang tegur "eh nod why your face so lonjong, nampak susut lah badan, diet ke?" senang senang i terus jawad no, i'm not diet. then terus tunjuk gigi i then they all like oooooo kesian nya. hahaha. yeah setiap kali jumpa orang the same thing akan jadi.

ini after 3days kot pakai braces. excuse for nganga thing, i randomly akan buat mcm ni untukk selesa kan my mulut. hehehe

potong betul !

blaaaarrrghhhh potong mood betul bila orang tgh seronook nak update bagai tak boleh pulak nak upload gambau ha. kuang hajooo. sakit hati kita. but its okay, until we meet again wahai blog. i'll update jugak jugak sampai kau pun naik meluat dengan aku. okay? hehe kidding. i was about to show u guys some of our pictures. eh our? yes, OUR. emm takkan la nak bubuh gambar cheq sorg je kan. malu ah iteww. i rather show pictures than telling stories. sebab kadang kadang tersasul sasul pulak mengarut melampau lampau.

okay apa yang di update kan later on is about my final project iaitu INTERNATION BUFFET CULINARY ARTS, ENTERPRENUER PROJECT, AND PASTRY PROJECT. bagi budak sem 5 ni semua, these are the biggest project ever dah macam nak keje bagai. haha tapi takde apa pun sebenarnya. TAPI, serious banyak gila dugaan. okay sambug nnt. taknak lah nak cerita masa mood tgh takde kan. eh mengada nya ! haha bye

bbq night with favourite one ;)

assalamualaikum !

before we ended our semester 5, we did awesome things to be remembered by any of this people who join those night. friends, no matter what we have been thru, we are still friends. even if we got some crash ideas or not tally ideas, we are still be friends. thanks for giving the happiness, the most emotional that involves (among the girls, kebanyakkan lah) :p lend your ears and eyes in sake we had any problem. its been a pleasure to be friend with y'all. hit it !!

kembali merancakkan belog !


hi guys. mood ber-blog datang membuak. dengan ada nya wifi yang laju utk aku sorg je pakai mmg seronot ronot lah cerita dia. hehe. been busy these days semenjak bertahun yang laju since aku pun sendiri kurang nak jadikan blog ni sebagai diary atau dalam bahasa baku nya sebagai tempat meluah perasan or whatever you guys called it. bahaya sebenarnya nak cerita personally kat internet lahanut ni. karang ada ja yang tak kena. so moral of the whole story, blog is used to cerita yang tak berkenaan personal life. whether people gonna hate it or people just gonna say behind our back. i choose to tell my carrier je kot. nah ganjaran satu gambar utk tontonan anda semueeee nyeeeww pun haddui

when i've got nothing to do

Assalamualaikum tak jawab berdosa kalau jawab sayanggggg much!!!

It has been a long time dah tak update this blog. Well i dont have any topics to tell y'all. But everything is going similar as usual. Cuma semester lima sudah habis lah. The most happiness, busy-ness, lots of drama-ness, the tension-ness and the very unforgetable moment ah kata org.. hehe nak kena cerita banyak doh yang tinggal..

And now i'm at tangkak officially tgh duduk goyang kepala senang hati. Just eat mom's cook and i've got nothing to do. Hishhhhh malas ni membuak buak. Byeeeee